A Guide to Successful Video Marketing

Video is becoming an increasingly powerful digital marketing tool for businesses. Video marketing opens up the ability to reach audiences and capture their attention in an engaging way makes video an ideal, and almost necessary, means to promote a brand and its products and services. But making a successful video isn’t always so straightforward. It requires planning, targeting, and an understanding of your audience.

If you’re interested in video marketing, below is a guide with some helpful tips and tricks, or get into contact with a videographer in London today.

Focus on Stories, Less on the Product

While it can be tempting to focus primarily on sales, branding, and your product, a solid video should meet the needs of its viewer. To do so, the video needs to share a story that the audience can relate to. Find a way to tell a story about your business and what it offers so that potential customers can get to know you. Whether it’s a story behind a product, or about how your company came to be, capitalise on the emotive power of video and employ the expertise of videographers to create an engaging and powerful story so that your viewers will come back for more.

Create a Hook – Don’t be Boring!

This sounds like an obvious point; after all, nobody wants to make a boring video! But the truth is that many videos can end up being that way if you don’t take a few risks. To make a truly outstanding video, don’t be afraid to be bold and creative. Use humour and aim to entertain the viewers, rather than play it safe and informative. The first few seconds of your video matter a great deal and the ones that are likely to be remembered the most will be those that are entertaining. Stand out from your competitors by creating a hook and keep them interested with solid content.

Target Relevant Audiences

Before you even start shooting your video, it’s important to know who your audience is. By narrowing this down, you can then aim the story to the right target market. Once the video is completed, you can use Facebook or Instagram platforms to create highly targeted ads for your content. This will ensure that you’re always reaching the most relevant people in your audience, by using a social media videographer you can create content that jumps off the page to your target audience.

Keep Them Short

Most people these days want short, snappy content. They’re often not interested in sitting for long periods watching or reading lengthy content. To ensure your video is engaging and well received, make sure it’s short and to the point. As well as being entertaining, it needs to be concise and presented in a way that’s memorable.

Focus on SEO

As with all forms of digital marketing, SEO is vital. And, when it comes to video SEO in particular, the descriptions are the most important. Google will crawl through these descriptions to locate the right keywords and rank you accordingly on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Therefore, creating a solid description with unique titles and relevant keywords are essential SEO tactics you’ll need to employ to market your video successfully.

Using a freelance videographer to create your videos is a powerful and effective way of marketing your business. Be sure to follow the tips above to create a successful, targeted, and above all, entertaining video for your ideal target market.